Amy Kelly Photography
I became interested in photography over 10 years ago when a close friend of mine got a camera for her birthday. I had asked and asked for a camera for my birthday but was never given one because my parents thought it would be just another toy I would get tired of after a month. So, as any entrepreneur would do, in 9th grade I started making and selling friendship bracelets to save up to buy my own camera. I began practicing on close friends and families and just two years ago decided to make it a full-fledged business. My focus is on weddings, families, and boudoir with a bit of dabbling into seniors, branding, and fashion.
Service Areas:
Southeastern Wisconsin, Northern Illinois
- North Carolina
- Indiana
- Wyoming
- Product
- First Birthday
- Drone
- Cake Smash
- Utah
- Panama
- Videography
- Hospital
- Backyard Weddings
- Arizona
- Sports
- Business
- Fresh 48
- Family Portraits
- Europe
- Kentucky
- Micro weddings
- Worldwide
- California
- Kansas
- Fine Arts
- Florida
- Senior Portraits
- Kids
- India
- Pennsylvania
- Labrador
- Canada
- Nursing
- Illinois
- Real Estate
- Texas
- Connecticut
- Georgia
- Virginia
- Maryland
- Idaho
- Head Shots
- Oregon
- Destination
- Puerto Rico
- Couples
- United States
- Oklahoma
- Tennessee
- Windsor
- Birth
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- South Carolina
- Washington
- Costa Rica
- Engagement
- Massachusetts
- Colorado
- Missouri
- Special Needs
- Wisconsin
- Nevada
- Croatia
- Maternity
- Rhode Island
- Grand Falls
- Hawaii
- South Dakota
- Minnesota
- Newfoundland
- Performing Arts
- Michigan
- Commercial
- Pets
- Travel
- Brand Work
- Wedding
- Newborn
- Norway
- Bodyscape
- Louisiana
- Event
- Boudoir
- Mexico
- Ohio
- Breastfeeding
- Elopement